8)      Revaluation Deficit vs. Impairment Loss



Revaluation Deficit Impairment Loss 有乜唔同?係咪同一樣野?


2 totally different concepts.

Revaluation is done because you want the valuation of the asset close to the market value. Like PPE, there was 2 different treatments in SSAP17 (I haven't read the new standards......). You can choose the revaluation basis or cost basis. Revaluation basis required you to revalue the assets frequent enough to matched the value of your book to the market value.


For impairment loss, the concept is to avoid overstatement of the asset value. The carry value should not be higher than the lower of the VIU (value in use) and NSP (net selling price). VIU may be different than market value so much because the usage of the assets may be very high for your company, but not others.


RE DE(gain) is IP back to previous year loss on re. Impair loss is land & bldg. prov.


Deficit/(reversal of deficit) on revaluation of investment properties = Loss/(gain) on revaluation of investment properties. This is P/L item, 每年投資物業(不是自用)都會找人評估, 這名稱是增/減值, 今年要全入P/L, 之前可暫放在 B/S-revaluation reserves, 2005 不可了.


Impairment loss of land & bldg, 如負資產便要入樓宇撥備(自用那些)
